Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Aftermath

It's no wonder Gandhi said, "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians."

I must say that I've been really, REALLY disappointed with the comments and reactions from a lot of Christians proceeding the election results that made Barack Obama the next president of the United States of America. It was really hard to sit back and watch Facebook comments and updates as many Christians repeatedly reinforced negative stereotypes, over and over and over again.

Regardless of who you voted for (if you voted...if not, stop complaining), certain things will always be true. For example, God is not a republican. Obama does not encourage or enjoy killing babies. He is not the anti-Christ. Your money's not any worse off than before (you probably don't have to look into Swiss bank accounts). And America is CERTAINLY not racist because you believe that McCain lost because he's white. (Honestly!?) Sadly, these were actual comments that I saw throughout the day.

Imagine how this looks to people outside the Church. As if people needed any more reason to despise Christians and to paint them into the "White, middle-class, republican out fighting moral battles" corner.

I LONG for the day when Christians will be known for their love - not tolerance, LOVE of others.

I LONG for the day when Christians will be known not for their moral views but for their passion for Christ and His Great Commission as they strive to meet the physical needs of a hurting world and bring a message of love, peace, justice, and REDEMPTION.

One of the few bright spots in the day was seeing a comment by a like-minded believer who begged the question, "What if Christians were as passionate about the Great Commission as they are politics?"

Good question.

The reality is that if we want things to change - I mean REALLY change, we as individuals and as the Church are going to have to go DO something about it. Jesus didn't spend his entire life teaching us how to discern the best presidential candidate, He spent his entire ministry teaching us how to love others and commanding us to GO to the world.

So are you going to talk and complain, or are you going to DO something about it?

Give money to places that care for single mothers as an alternative to abortion. Volunteer at those places. Start one.

Go to the store and buy food to make sandwiches and give them to homeless people you walk by every day on the street. Give them warm winter clothes.


To anyone who has been hurt or insulted by "Christ-followers" today: I sincerely apologize on behalf of my fellow brothers and sisters for the ignorance and quite frankly, hatred, expressed by many Christians throughout America today. We're not perfect, far from it. Our opinions and desire to express them sometimes come out in very unloving ways. I have personally made mistakes in this area in the past as well. I am far from exempt from this.

More importantly, I beg God's forgiveness for the Church and that He would give us grace for representing Him poorly during this election process.

At the end of the day, I personally believe that God cares far more about our hearts and how we love people than who we voted for to be the next president.

Thank God.



Anonymous said...

Fantastic word, Chris. We need the reminder. Keep up the good work!

Laura and Jordan get Married! said...


MessengerCorps said...

Chris, I am in love with you and the Holy Spirit inside you. Ahh, it's like we are of one mind (and we are, since we both have the Holy Spirit inside us). I am perpetually stoked about how God is moving in your life where you are. Ah, I am sooo jealous. I hope you are enjoying my campus (I forget if you're on the same campus as Jordan ... but he's on my campus from the summer). I can't wait to go back, and pray for the day God will use me again in the world. Love you!

Gordon said...

Thank you for this post. I've never met you, but I happened upon this blog awhile ago by chance through a friend on Facebook, and also by chance I happened to read this post today. And I really must say that your post here was a breath of fresh air.

You are spot on with your assessment that Jesus wasn't preaching politics; he was preaching love, forgiveness, and HUMILITY. It is not in any way humble to paint either candidate, both of whom consider themselves Christian, as the "anti-Christ" just because of minor political discrepancies. Some people just get so carried away with the conviction that they have to be right about everything, that they are quick to judge and label anyone who merely disagrees with them as the enemy.

Jesus did not say "hate your enemies, and prophesy the apocalypse when things don't seem to be going your way." He COMMANDED us to love our enemies as we do ourselves.

So thank you for showing me that there are still rational, genuine, and loving Christians left in some of the Christian churches. If the next generation of ministers are comprised of people like you, I can say with confidence that it will be a bright future.

Anonymous said...

I would like to start by stating outright that I am an athiest.

But I thank you wholeheartedly for this sensitive and inspiring article. I have NOTHING against followers of any religion, as long as they are even-handed about their beliefs. This article rekindled my compassion for the less hotheaded among Christ's followers,

Thank you.