Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Jesus

Second re-posted blog and last one of the week. Be back in a week or so! -CK


June 2006

How does YOUR view of Jesus affect your trust in Him?

As time has passed since Jesus hung on a cross to die for our sins nearly 2000 years ago, I think our view of Jesus has slowly been minimalized. When Jesus speaks of "an unbelieving generation" in the Gospels I immediately think of our current generation. Too many times here in South Carolina have I heard, "I think Jesus definitely lived, but I don't know...the miracles and stuff, it seems a little far fetched." If you asked most "Christians" these days, how many people would give a similar answer?

The problem with this is that if you think the miracles which Jesus performed are unlikely to have occurred, how much moreso are you doubting the death and the resurrection? Jesus couldn't turn water into wine or heal a blind man, but yes, he was resurrected from the dead?....The basis for your faith is completely blown away.

I use this only as an example. Most people reading this blog will probably not disagree with the Jesus portrayed in the Gospels of the New Testament, but how many other ways do we limit Jesus?

Here's a quote from Blaise Pascal:"God made man in his own image and man returned the compliment."Brennan Manning goes on to write in "The Signature of Jesus" that,"Through five decades I have seen Christians shaping Jesus in their own image - in each case a dreadfully small deity."

I admit to all of you that, yes, I believe that Jesus lived and did all the things the Gospels say he did, but at the same time, I don't always take Him at His word. By this I mean, sure I believe it when Jesus says that, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."But do I also believe Him and trust Him when He says not to worry about money or the approval of others? Painfully, the answer is a resounding "no".

I have a very hard time surrendering things to Jesus like my future. "I'll go wherever you want me to go Jesus and do whatever you want me to do...just as long as I don't have to raise support to go on a Stint or become a Campus Crusade staff member." I'm sure many of us could say things very similar to this, but why is it that we can't trust God to let us surrender these things to Him?

In my opinion,we don't completely trust God because we have a small view of Him, a small view of Jesus. I think maybe for some of us that view stems from what we saw of God in our own fathers, our own loved ones, our own friends, people that are human and ultimately have let us down at some point in our lives.

But no matter how many times that person has said "jump" and then failed to catch you,Jesus will ALWAYS be there to catch you. Trust the Lord and that what the Bible says is true and surrender to Him whatever it is you're holding on to TODAY!

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.-Isaiah 40:31

May God be increasing our faith and our view of who He is.

1 comment:

Marc said...

Chris, I'm so glad God didn't force you to trust him by going on STINT or raising support or becoming a project director 2 weeks after that post was originally written . . . wait. Well played, God, well played.