Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Misconceptions about Christianity

Do Christians actually believe that’s true?

Where’s that in the Bible?

How can Christianity be relevant to me today?

What’s the big deal about this whole Christianity thing anyway?

Christianity and...

Politics, Science, Rules, Earth, Resurrection, Works, Evolution, Heaven, Republican, Bible, Eternity, Jesus.

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering about any of these things or have questions about Christianity in general, stay tuned.

In the next 10 blogs or so, I’m going to explore some of the things that everyone believes about Christianity but aren’t actually true. The intent behind writing about these misconceptions is to help clear the air a bit and provide an entry point for conversation into what Christianity is really about.

Ask me questions, ask other people questions, agree, disagree – but enter into the discussion.

As author and scholar N.T. Wright says,

“Faith can’t be forced, but unfaith can be challenged.”

May we all be challenged to set aside our preconceptions of what Christianity is and what it’s not and let truth lead where it will.

Let's get started.


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