Wednesday, June 29, 2011

As He Goes, We Go

We live in a hell of a messed up world. Supreme court judges choking each other, a man chasing after people with a hand-crafted machete, and people taking their own lives because this is what they wake up to every morning and they see little hope – and this has all happened right in my own community in the past several days.

Life is meaningless.

Even as a Christian, there are days when I don’t want to move or do anything because it all seems pointless. There’s nothing I can buy and no adventure that I can go on that is going to make me feel fulfilled when I wake up in the morning.

But what I can’t imagine is even attempting to live in this kind of world without a belief in the God, Yahweh, of the Scriptures. The thought that He’s not real and that the whole Bible is a hoax and all we do is eat and sleep only to die and then return to the ground is easily the most vulgar, crude, depressing idea imaginable. How evil and demonic whatever powers behind our existence would be, whether some other god or science, if this is all that there is.

But even on days like this where the pure nonsense in the world seems overwhelming and overtaking, there is hope, and it comes in the form of a Man.

"When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." –Colossians 3:4

I’ve been captivated by this verse the past couple days because it clearly conveys what I’ve felt for so long.

That Jesus is my only hope.

All of my dreams, my future – everything that I presently have and am and am pursuing and am about is staked on Him. Without Him I am nothing. As He goes, I go. If He’s not up to the task of playing hero, there’s no one else ready to take His place.

If He is not who He says when He claims that He is God, He’s just another lunatic like the guy chasing after people with a machete.

But if He IS God, then there’s a completely different ending to this seemingly tragic story of a world we live in.

Because if He is, then there’s hope that all of the junk that’s everywhere around us will one day be put right once and for all, and we will be glorified and exalted with Christ. But because we’ve put everything on Him like a poor man who has just spent his last dollar hoping to win the lottery, we too will rise from the grave and spend eternity with our Rescuer.

He didn’t make it out of this world without being bruised and beaten either. The horrors that we read and hear about every day eventually claimed His life. But He will have the last word, and when that day comes, “It is finished” will take on a whole new meaning.

Christ is risen, and we too will one day rise.

As He goes, we go. Praise God!

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