Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't You Know That You're Toxic

These days, our lives are filled with so much work, so much information, so many details, and an absurd amount of distractions, that it’s easy for everything to become a jumbled mess. According to an article by CBS News in 2006, the average American may see over 5000 ads EACH DAY.

My heart and mind so often get bombarded by all these things pulling for my attention, by all the little daily worries that seem to pop up, and by not so little things that weigh on my heart.

That’s why, several times each day, I feel like there’s this toxic build-up of mush accumulating in my brain and hardening over my heart. And if I don’t take a step back from all the noise and everything that’s going on around me, those toxins start to suffocate me, and they prevent me from focusing on what’s most important.

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable that includes seed that is scattered among thorns. “The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.”

I am up to my neck in thorns – and they’re not going anywhere. They will always be there.

But amidst the rustling of the weeds, I can choose to listen for One who brings life, peace, and fruitfulness.

Tonight it’s time to tune out the noise and do some listening. -CK

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