I have a bit of a confession to make. Maybe even an addiction to admit to. For the past year or so, whenever I'm alone and driving, I can't help but...
Listen to sports talk radio.
Colin Cowherd, Scott Van Pelt, Mike Heller, and my personal favorite, Dan Patrick. They all talk about the same things for the most part, but whether they're discussing football or NASCAR racing, I could generally listen to it for hours. (Okay, maybe not if it's about NASCAR racing.)
There's one guy in particular that I listen to based out of Milwaukee that I think, due to his age and wisdom, brings something to the table that no one else does.
That is, every single show (and probably even every hour or so), he bursts out in exhilaration,
It's now over three months past the Super Bowl, and even though several other sports have started their seasons and generally dominate the topics of conversation, he never forgets to remind us that the Packers are Super Bowl champions.

*Okay, so while I'm sure Jesus doesn't "hate" the Bears, it's probably similar to how he uses hyperbole and the word "hate" when comparing one's love for their family with their love for him. Compared to his love for the Packers, his love for the Bears looks like hate. :)
As phenomenal and potentially life-altering as the Super Bowl victory was for Wisconsin sports fans, and as terrific a story line as their overcoming injuries and improbable victories is, there's an even greater and more significant Story that we must remind ourselves of every day. And this Story should never get old.
While the danger in letting the Gospel get old and not reminding ourselves of the Story seems to lie mostly in our emotional connection to what Jesus has done for us, I believe there's much more at stake.
Because if the Gospel is "old hat" or something we only think about on Sundays, we in essence align ourselves to a completely different story that is anti-Gospel.
The story of having to earn love and affirmation, do all the right things to please God, have all of our needs met by our spouses or friends, follow all the rules, read the Bible for 30 minutes every day, or find our identity and significance in what abilities we possess or what job we have.
Or, like Homer, who doesn't want to forget about the Packers being Super Bowl champions for even a day and who wants to celebrate it for all it's worth, we can choose to align ourselves to the story of the Gospel each and every day, and regardless of circumstances, choose to be filled with joy because the resurrection is real and our God is very much alive!
Christ is Risen! (...and the Packers are WORRRRLD CHAMPS!)